Brett Schneider, CFO

When one of our executives first introduced us to Bottom Line Concepts, we decided to explore the benefits of working with their team. Despite having a very efficient internal procurement team, we were still able to find a number of areas where their expertise was useful. There were substantial results in a short period of […]

Tom Sharkey, Jr., President

When they called and said they could help us recover a very significant unclaimed funds recovery, we thought it was a hoax or a fraud. But it wasn’t! Bottom Line worked with us for six months for a successful recovery and we are pleased to vouch for them. They are who they say they are.

Jay Sklar, Chief Procurement & Real Estate Officer

The benchmark data and negotiations guidance that Bottom Line shared with us helped us dive directly into negotiations and secure a quick win without a lengthy RFP process.  We will likely come back to explore additional opportunities where our future category needs align with Bottom Line’s expertise. 


Bottom Line Concepts has delivered on their promise – allowing us to better understand how our vendors bill for products and services, renegotiate existing contracts for favorable terms with real cost savings and all with little effort on our behalf – a bottom line win for us! Best of all, we had no obligation until […]


A few of our brokers had an existing relationship with Bottom Line and recommended we look at some of our own expenses. When we got a check back for items that we had purchased over 15 years ago, we were pleasantly surprised that this was even possible. Subsequent to that recovery, we enrolled in other […]

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